It's time to stop accepting less than what you deserve.

You have an amazing talent to share with the world, especially when it comes to your life's work - your purpose. You were made for a reason, but when you live to please everyone else, you let fear rule your life. Imagine how good it'll feel when you release the fear of what other's think and start living life on your terms. This workshop is for you.
Get my 4 steps to stop people pleasing now and start asking for what you need.
Join Sarah Kuhn, writer and creator of INFJ Woman and host of The Quiet Ones podcast, to learn how to stop people pleasing in a way that works for you and start doing with confidence.

Workshop Includes:

  • 60-minute workshop on Zoom with Sarah Kuhn

  • A workbook outlining the 4 steps to stop people pleasing

  • Lifetime access to the replay of the workshop and workbook

Sign Up Now

Our Customers Love Us

  • Lauren

    "Words cannot express how thankful I am to have had this course come into my life when I did. I have struggled my whole life with lack of confidence and lack of self-love. This course has helped me understand and accept who I really am, and has been a vital guide in giving me the courage to make some MUCH needed changes in my life. It has helped me navigate the ending of a series of toxic relationships and set me on the right path to learning how to know and love my true self."

  • Suvidya Y.

    “I haven't related to anyone this much ever!!! I could literally relate to every single thing, whether it was having a need for some alone time, making decisions from a gut feeling, feeling that people don't really understand me, pulling an all-nighter just because of things that don't matter past regrets, constantly thinking about the future, trying to have everything perfect, just thinking about other's feelings before mine all the time!! I'm really glad that I was a part of this workshop, where I could learn a lot more about myself! I'd also like to say that the session was absolutely perfect, you explained everything so nicely! I hope that I can be a part of more such sessions."

  • Kelly

    "I feel empowered to take the next step in my journey! I learned so much about myself during this course. I came into this course unaware of my purpose and now I have clarity and a plan for the future. I loved how this course was self-paced so I could take my time with each module."

Course curriculum

    1. How to Get Past People Pleasing Workbook

    2. How to Stop People Pleasing Now Workshop

About this course

  • $27.00
  • 2 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content